Some people

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Some of the people only like the chase. 
Some are just fond of being in between things. 
Some people loves to stay only in their comfort zone. 
Some loves to deny everything because they need to protect ego. 
Some people talk more, but truth is they are just like an empty can. 
Some fakes everything just to attract. 
Some people play strong just to cover up. 
Some just likes to ignore in order for them to be faultless.
Some people are deaf because they only believe in their selves.
Some are blind because they are deceived by sweet lies.
Some people hide because they don’t want to be judge.
Some says love is painful but the truth is it’s the people who made it painful.
Some obeys everything good or bad, because of the rules that can take away their lives.
Some are toxic because they can’t find themselves a cure.
Some people are hard because of their past.
Some people are mean but truth is they’re weak.  
For those are just some people. 
Some people who forgot to be the person they used to, because the society taught them who and what must they become.
