Open letter to my fellow graduating students



    Tonight I am lost with my pen paper while my mind is a mess and with a heavy heart. A lot of questions has been circling in my mind just like a typical graduating student, trying to figure out what my life will become after this long schooling journey, but first let's be thankful cause this moment has come, we are already living in the "tomorrow" we are looking forward to happen before. Breathe cause at last, we are about to make another milestone in our lives. On your graduation day, just let go of all your worries even just for a while, live for that moment cause it will happen just as fast as blink of an eye, and when you blink close your eyes, don't open it first, no cheating! for you are about to imprint that feeling, and that memory in your heart, and make sure to always look back, and linger on that feeling whenever you feel like you're being overwhelmed by all the happenings around you in the future. Thank yourself because you did it! Despite of all those people who judged you and what you're future will be, those who tried to limit you in their narrow point of views, those who tried to drag you down, those who belittled you because they think your actions will get you nowhere, YOU ARE HERE NOW. YOU MADE IT. You are here at this very exact moment, standing firm with so much gratitude and humbleness. Ready to take on new challenges,  bigger than you've ever faced before. Reflect from all your hardships, root for all the good times and all those people who stayed by your side in this journey, and acknowledge all the bad times. This will only happen once cause as you open your eyes, you'll face a new reality. You'll carry another bag of responsibilities. You'll be walking into another path on your own. It's frightening yes. You should be, because if you're not frightened that means that your dreams are not that big enough. You did it right? Just like before, you'll also make it this time! Hang on to yourself because at the end of each day, you always have you. Be that person you want to become. Don't deprive yourself of your own happiness. 

Master the language of love, truth, courage, and acceptance and speak it fluently. Breathe don't forget to breathe. You may be worried now, we all are, but I know you got this! 

ofelijahnicolle xoxo :)


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